Adidas India received the money on 22/March, till date neither the order is confirmed nor money hasn’t been refunded
I must have spoken to various customer care executives as well as floor super visors, , but no one has been able to resolve this. I always get the standard answer- this has been escalated and will resolved in three to five working days//
Even you’ll see the same response received on email. I don’t hope to get the same response from you
Looking forward for a quick action from your end
Best Regards,
Mobile+91 9810176290.
Mr. Sumit Goswami On Phone To Adidas India Service
My adidas Spring blade shoe had a hole on upper side. Is there any process to change the upper surface of shoe.
Mr. Vishal Narang On Phone To Adidas India Service
I bought a pair of white adidas stan smith sneaker. I bought it in March 2016 from the Santacruz store, Mumbai, India. It is still very new as I have used it very carefully only a few times. It has started to develop green and yellow marks on it all over the shoe. I tried wiping them off, but they are not going. I bought this shoe after saving for about two months and it was way out of my budget. I cannot even use it now. Request you to look into the matter.
Mr. Jitendra Singh On Phone To Adidas India Service
I brought adidas shoes with flipkart. Shoes having one year warranty. But shoes sole and corner damaged in six months. Can you please replace/repair this product. All product details mention inside SCREEN SHOT IMAGE. Thanks, .
Mr. Ajay Singh On Phone To Adidas India Service
Hello Adidas, I got a complaint regarding my adidas, springblade shoes, it's not even a month, since, I brought the shoes, through one of your factory outlets in South Delhi area, namely from Ghitorni, the shoes are beautiful and I had buy in the first look, but now they are tearing off, from one of the side, it's too bad to see, such a big brand, and such costly item is giving such silly problems, I never expected that, as these are my first so costly shoes, that I have ever buy, anyways, I still trust in you, so please replace my pair, thank you, . .
Mr. Dev Sah On Phone To Adidas India Service
I didn't receive any response regarding my return request for the product i ordered. Why so irresponsive? It has been two days since i request for return. Very much disappointed with adidas.
Mr. Gary Singh On Phone To Adidas India Service
I had ordered five items from which I have got two items and rest three were missing from the order 21201650. Date of order 16 Jan 2016. I still have not got any resolution regarding the missing items from my order 21201650, its been almost a month now and I have been constantly contacting you over the phone along with the emails, but I still have not got my money back or the missing products from my order. Worst shopping experience ever, I didn't expected that a company like adidas can be so amateur in customer service. I will be sharing this incident around the web because I am very frustrated in waiting for so long.
Mr. Rajat Kumbhat On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have been trying to reach the customer care team for the last ten days, but no one is answering. I have purchased a shoe after getting the size checked at the Adidas store, but unfortunately the shoe is not fitting. I want the same product for the higher size. Please call me on 8454946051/9320307551Best wishersRajat Kumbhat .
Mr. Tajender Singh On Phone To Adidas India Service
I am Tajender Singh , i purchased adidas shoes first time, this shoes cracking form inside and upper side. When i go to adidas house(Shah Satnam ji super market, Opp. Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa) the dealer say to me that this type of cracking is not in warranty, this is very sad for me, i am very upset. Please solve my this serious problem. I purchase this shoes on dated 13-11-2015 Bill number 12075. The warranty is applicable for 03 months. Now i requested to you that please solve my problem. My Mob: 7357294141.
Mr. Nitin Mirje On Phone To Adidas India Service
Dear concerned officer
I had purchased one track pant from Pune Central Mall a year ago. When I started using the same I found that on one leg the plastic holder with two small holes of the elastic band is not working well. I used it as it was since I could not go back to Pune to show this complaint as I hail from kolhapur. I looked for the plastic holder on my own in my town, but could not get the same. If you can help me by sending me one or two pieces may be on charge basis, I will be obliged. My address :
Nitin. Mirje
165, Ruikar Colony
Maharashtra India
416 005
Cell no 9422519041
Awaiting your response. Thanking you
Nitin Mirje.
Mr. Bharat Singh Bhakuni On Phone To Adidas India Service
Hello, I have purchased Adidas shoes in Feb, 2015. This is this 1st time I use Adidas product, but I think Local company shoes are better then Adidas. My shoes are damaged now. I am trying to contact Adidas customer care, but no one is responding. Can some one call me at 95577943849 Bharat Bhakuni.
Mr. Abhishek Kumar Verma On Phone To Adidas India Service
Hello, I have purchased Adidas shoes in Feb, 2015. This is this 1st time I use Adidas product, but I think Local company shoes are better then Adidas. My shoes are damaged now. I am trying to contact Adidas customer care, but no one is responding. Can some one call me at 9811582269. Regards, Abhishek.
Mr. Debabrata Halder On Phone To Adidas India Service
I am Debabrata Halder from kolkata. I have purchased a addidas response running shoes from flipkart on 25-12-14. But within seven months it's frayed. I have contacted with flipkart, but they were saying, this is Adidas products. So, I will get warranty from Adidas only. But I do not know where I have to go in kolkata. Please help me if possible as soon. Thanks you.
Mr. Sachin Kumar Singh On Phone To Adidas India Service
I purchased one pair of Adidas shoe (Response boost techfit m) worth INR 10, 999 on 19th Sept 2014. After using six months, the power band from the shoe started melting. In another one month complete power band melted automatically. The shoe appears very bad. Now could you please tell me how the Adidas is cheating its customer by selling very high cost shoe with manufacturing defects.
Mr. Vishal Tiwari On Phone To Adidas India Service
I bought an Adidas original shoes on 28/06/2015 through order number -21975155 which is one number Short. Requesting you to kindly define the process to replace my shoes. I tried your customer care number also, but nobody picked the call.
Mr. Manikandan On Phone To Adidas India Service
Kindly replace the shoe as I feel uncomfortable while used in sports activities. I didn't use the shoe for a even a single game. Its itching my fingers and make it wound. So I need Please change the model. I have purchased at m/s comfy shoe makers, egmore, E-mail ID is adidas. Egmore@comfyshoemakers.com. Purchase bill number is sc222. Purchase date:11. 5. 2015. We asked the store to replace, but they not much response in it.
Mr. Sanjib Podder On Phone To Adidas India Service
I am a customer of Adidas for a long period. I have purchased a blade Sports Shoe on few months ago. The Adhesive of my shoe was defective, so the pasting of the sole of the shoe is detached. I have buy this shoe from quest mall, Kolkata. When I request them to exchange that shoe, they refuse me to do so. I am really shocked with their behavior. So I once again requesting you to exchange my product, otherwise I have to leave the using of Adidas Product. Your Co-Operation is highly obliged. Regards, - Sanjib Podder (Mobile : 91 33 9830088827).
Mr. Pradeep Bhattacharya On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have purchased a pair of shoe seven days back from CSD canteen - Fort Willium Kolkata, but quality of stitches not good at all. Stiches are automatically cut. Please replace the same at the earliest. Thanks and Regards/Pradeep Bhattacharya 919748404010.
Ms. A. Latha On Phone To Adidas India Service
I bought an Adidas barricade (addituff) tennis shoes from your showroom at Sirifort sports enclave at New Delhi few months ago. A few days ago, my son started using his new addidas barricade shoe and started getting blisters. It has never happened before though we were using Adidas shoes only. Moreover, the showroom at Sirifort was replaced by Yonex and so, I could not go to the shop to discuss with him the problem. Yours is a reputed brand and I request you to look into the matter and help me as you must be aware that tennis shoes are so expensive and after buying, a problem like this disturbing. I expect you'll to reply at the earliest as my son is not able to go for his practice because of the blister and non- availability of shoes. My mobile number is 9873188111My mail ID lathakau@gmail.comSize of shoe 4. five Thank you.
Mr. Rajeev Mahajan On Phone To Adidas India Service
I bought Adidas shoes, model number F32250/10/ENE @Rs 12999. 0on 12-04-2014. It has been only Eight month since, i have bought these shoes and already it look like very old and blue color strip over shoes is almost fainted. It seems like Adidas is merely looking in quality of product. Kindly let me know if any exchange can be done for the same. It is not at all acceptable that high cost shoes look like worn out old pair in merely eight months. Please look into this matter and provide me suitable solution.
Mr. Subramanian.k.s On Phone To Adidas India Service
It was told by Adidas that those who finish within 450 Numbers in the Chennai Wipro marathon will get an additional T-shirt sponsored by Adidas. However, i have not received the same and there is no communication also on this. Please let me know where it should be collected. Thanks, Subbu.
Ms. Prabhjot Singh On Phone To Adidas India Service
I bought a pair of shoes. I was charged ruppes4, 599. But afterwards i found that the article. No on shoes and on the box did not matched. Article number On the shoes is g94466. I want to know the price of this article.
Ms. Divya On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have taken one Adidas sweater in pink colour. On that left side it was written Adigirl and it has Adidas symbol in zip. It is full zip with top cap. And I lost it so now I want the same. Thing can you please help me to get it.
Mr. Mukush Vijay On Phone To Adidas India Service
Dear sir
On 17th of August 2014, I had bought a pair of shoe Adidas response vide bill numbers SC1422 from M/s Jaya Enterprises, Ajmer (Rajasthan). I am working with Petroleum Sports Control Board in their Academy for Table Tennis at Ajmer, All our Academy players buy Branded shoes only including Adidas, but this is the first time the shoe mentioned above has tore from the front due to lack in workmanship. Your brand is very popular among our players and all of them are internationally renowned. Hence I would like you to please change the above shoe as soon as possible so that your brand's image remain intact in our minds. Regards.
Mr. Suresh Neema On Phone To Adidas India Service
I had bought one pair of Adidas AGORA black shoes few months back from CSD, Mhow and the bill of the same has been misplaced. The problem is that the left side is completely torn off. I am awaiting your appropriate reply.
Mr. S.nagarajan On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have bought an Adidas bag two months ago and I still have the bill. The bill number is sc1235 and the EAN code is 4054708716011 and the product number is 06/14 m67829 00l001. The problem is that the backside is completely torn off. And, at the bottom the skin started peel off. When, I bought this bag they said if there is some problem you can exchange it and I thought it would be simply easier, but for exchanging this, I took lots of efforts and still I did not get any replies of my queries. Even I started posting my complaints in all sorts of Adidas websites, but still I do not know whether some one taking almost care of their customers and reading their complaints. I just want to replace my bag. At least someone one respond for this.
Mr. Sanjay Hingu On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have bought energy shoes in the month of June, 2014. Within three months, shoe material started coming out from the bottom, which is really surprising as show are of 13000. I registered a complaint with the store and they told me that they will send this details to their respective department and will revert in maximum ten days. It is more than two weeks, but there is no response. I didn't expected such a pathetic customer care for a brand like Adidas. And, worst thing is I have to continuously follow up with the store and I get the same reply that they are waiting for the response from their department.
Ms. Neha Sood On Phone To Adidas India Service
I am from Nagpur, i had visited the Adidas store in Dharampeth area and really liked a track pant (April 2014), but somehow it got sold and i need a similar piece, i am ready to order it online, but i do not have the model number of it, so i requested if i can be provided a list of track pants model numbers of March-April month so that i can check online and order the same. , but i am not getting any specific details on the same. Point is that if i have seen it in the stock it definitely has a model number. How do i proceed about it please?
Mr. Anish On Phone To Adidas India Service
This is Anish from Erode. I am an Adidas regular customer. I had bought badminton shoes from Erode (Brough Road) showroom, before three months. Unfortunately i missed the bill copy, but shoes damaged in three months. Hence, i didn't face this kind of issue in your product. Here, i attached the damaged shoes photos. Kindly help to make replacement.
Ms. Kasturi On Phone To Adidas India Service
I had bought a pair of shoes seven months back. For both the pairs the sole has come out. I want them to be reparied. Can i submit it to the salt lake,kolkata store for repair and service.
Mr. Karthick On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have visited Chennai kodambakkam store. There was a very worst performance for the customer service i never seen in my life. Please ask that franchise give proper training. I am going to file a complaint against that store. If I am not getting revert as soon as possible.
Mr. Kunj Behari Mathur On Phone To Adidas India Service
I bought a shoe of adidas for rupees 3900/- from kota Rajasthan. Two months back for my daughter though i am resident of jaipur Rajasthan.
The outer net of the both right and left shoe has broken. It is really surprised within two months of span a shoe pair of such an esteemed company has complained like broken net. I have bill of the dealer of kota.
It has to be replaced. Now may know if is possible in jaipur if so. Kindly let me know the exact address and the contact person.
Kunj behari mathur,
Mr. Vikas Vinaik On Phone To Adidas India Service
I purchased an adidas latest sleepers blue in colour two months ago from adidas showroom at pacific mall, subhash Nagar, new Delhi worth rupees 3200 and was worn just ten times. Hence almost a new sleepers,its strap got off from the sleeper like a third class rubber sleepers. The defected sleeper can be presented as an evidence. Take immediate action or loose your valuable customer.
Mr. Kuldeep On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have purchased shoes Duramo five leam article code no.Q22304 of adidas from exclusive showroom srigangaNagar Rajasthan tomorrow ,on tongue strip of shoes article code no.g-57789 is given,when I enquired to the showroom owner about that he asked that it would be differ because shoes are made at different place and boxes on which actual code was given is made at different place,usually it differs or this is the special case.please inform me on my email id.
Mr. Shailesh Kumar On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have purchased Adidas sport shoes on 9th June 2013 from VENKATESWARA ENTERPRIS Indira Nagar BANGALOR. I have paid rupees 2499/-through card and habing bank statment.I have missed my bill.My shoes have got damage from bottom due to some foreign object. Can i replace it or get any service.
Mr. JASBIR SINGH BATH On Phone To Adidas India Service
Mr. yogesh On Phone To Adidas India Service
i want to buy adidas original shoe of model number-G 50587 nizz lo remo of size 7, but i am not able to get it in jalandhar so please give me any solution regarding my problem.i realy like this model.plz help me i ll very thankfull to you for this help
my contact number is 9646078220
Email - yog9sen@gmail.com
Mr. Ganesh Chandra hath On Phone To Adidas India Service
Shoe purchased from Bentink St Kolkata outlet(India) is defective.Within a year, the Sole pasting opens up. It is very unfortunate and undesirable.The shoe needs to be replaced. Hope you will take appropriate steps.The Bill details as under.
Product No 8902821094942, Name RIDLEY M, Cost after discount rupees 2249/, Tel No Given 9339537254,Dt of purchase 03/07/2012.
Mr. Rakesh Valecha On Phone To Adidas India Service
I am registering this complaint to highlight the lack of service quality at your Adidas showroom at R-City in Ghatkopar, Mumbai. I bought an Adizero F50 Runner two shoe in February from this store and the upper net of the shoe has cracked off in a span of less than five months. I handed over the shoe to the Store Manager (Chirag) and he said he will revert in terms of how he can repair it and what is the time frame within which it should happen. Its been almost two weeks and despite repeated calls to him, he still does not give me the right answer as to how much time this would take. Today when I called him again, he tells me he has sent it for repair, but does not know and would need to check. I got the same answer on Wednesday when I visited the store when he said he would call back and deliver at my residence, but no call came. This has happened at least 3-4 times and he does not even have the basic courtesy of promptly informing the status of the status.
Ms. Sarika Chavan On Phone To Adidas India Service
I Purchased floaters -L40768/4/HISPANA W (2299/-Rs) from thane adidad exclusive store, RAM maruti road. DOP:-09/06/2013. while purchasing store manager said this model is hving three months replacement guarantee. when I visited shop it was closed and later I wont be able to visit the shop because was busy with some other stuff. second time i visit on 13/09/2013. Store executive took hand written receipt and gave me printed one, but on printed invoice there is no webid or email ID to contact. and even did not gave any receipt when kept my teared sandals sandals with them. and still did not get any reply from adidas store. Please do the needful Sarika (Email Id:- sarika_chavan2002@yahoo.com).
Mr. Rohit Sharma On Phone To Adidas India Service
as I bought adidas Shoe from Adidas Exclusive, GF-5,City Square,Jammu-180001 on 26/4/2013, Bill No-SC13/390 and Bill Amount rupees 6499.00.Product Description-ADILAGO MID
Now i am in Gujurat as my Posting is in Godhra(Gujurat)
as the color of Adidas Shoe gets faded.
i do not have the contact number of Store as mentioned above, also contact number is not mentioned on bill.
My contact number is 9099039643.
PFA file for Scan copy of Bill.
Plz register my complaint regarding adidas Product and do the needful ASAP.
Mr. Gokulesh Kanna On Phone To Adidas India Service
My sandals where teared I send a emaial and I attached copy of bill scanned copy and photographs of teared sandals I bought from Chennai ambattur store please arranged for a new one as soon as possible
Mr. Dr Mohit Raizada On Phone To Adidas India Service
Hi sir,
I purchased an Adidas sports shoes from Adidas showroom in express avenue in Chennai in December 2013.
I have a complaint that it starts openings from left hand side in front, even i am using it very less.
What can I do, I also do not have its receipt.
Can you help me out, what should I do.
My contact number is 9790749227.
Mr. sharad sharma On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have purchased adidas shoes there is an problem of out sole braking.will you tell us why this happen or you are selling third class material in high rates.i will tell it others to not to purchase adidas product.
from where i purchase
Punjab shoe emporium Abu lane meerut,Uttar Pradesh
bill no 1114
date of purchase 17-5-13
my mobile number 09368016293
Mr. shoes On Phone To Adidas India Service
I have purchased adidas shoe. There is an problem of out sole braking.will you please tell us about this why this happen or you r selling three rd class shoes in high rates. I will tell it others to not to purchase adidas shoes.
from where i purchased
Punjab shoe emporium
Abu lane
bill number 1114
date of purchase 17-05-2013
Mr. Vijay Katiyar On Phone To Adidas India Service
I got a jacket from adidas store (kushal Enterprises Adidas store)M.G Road Pune- 411001, on the 5th August 2013 at 11:12am. The jacket is damaged and I observed it today. As per the damage return policy the damaged goods needs to be replaced within three months. I called on the store phone number today to complaint about it on 020-26126107, the person was not interested to listen to me and he informed me that the damaged product cannot be replaced, well this product needs to be replaced because I have paid for it. and that is not a good service. Otherwise i'll knock the consumer court's door . Do the needful. Thank you . my email address is vj_hhh@yahoo.com and mob: 9890059634
Mr. Shoes On Phone To Adidas India Service
I purchased the shoes of your company on 08.09.2013 from the CSD, Ambala cantt, I found that both the shoe are not the same. Please do the needful.
Thanking you,
Akhlesh Kumar
H.No.-73, N.B. Road, Ambala Cantt. (Haryana)-India
Mobile: 09416916331
Mr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy On Phone To Adidas India Service
Bought a pair of running shoes, Supernova in Chennai in July 2013. The insole movement is excessive during long runs causing blisters. Have been trying to send a mail along with photos to your care@adidas.com, but the mails are bouncing back. Have registered to run a half marathon on October 6th and would like an immediate solution. Contact mail lucky_mk94@yahoo.com
Mr. Rajesh Rawat On Phone To Adidas India Service
Good Morning/Evening sir,
We have purchase Phoenix model number 333356 shoes for our CPC Canteen through our Master Canteen,which is at Shimla (HP),One pair of these shoes was found same foot,and remain at our canteen since last year,
In this regard kindly give necessary direction from where we replace this shoes, it is also necessary to inform you that this was the one year previous case and
our Master canteen shimla has ignore to take it back,
I would be very thankful if you have make necessary direction from where I have to change this.