Ashok Leyland Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Ashok Leyland is +91-044-22206000 .
Ashok Leyland Limited is an automaker company of India and a subsidiary of Hinduja Group which is a major and leading conglomerate Group. Ashok Leyland was founded on 07 September 1948 and presently offers Buses, Trucks, Light Vehicles, Defence Vehicles and Power Solution Products. Alongwith India, it provides its vehicles to 50 worldwide countries. As of December, 2013 its turnover is about US $ 2.3 billion. Apart from India, its other two manufacturing plants are situated in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates and Prague, Czech Republic. Ashok Leyland is also in contract with other well renowned companies which belongs to same field to provide several other Light Commercial Vehicles, construction equipments, developing automotive Infotronics etc. The contract companies are Nissan Motor Company, (Japan), John Deere (USA) and JV with Continental AG (Germany). Coming to its parent company, Hinduja Group which has number of business like Global Investments, Banking, International Trading, Hinduja Foundation, Oil and Gas, Power, IT and Business Process Outsourcing. The group came into existence in 1914 by the efforts of Parmanand Deepchand Hinduja and presently having its strong presence in all the continents of the globe. Its main headquarters is located in London, United Kingdom. The parent company has number of subsidiaries which belongs to various nations. The group has a strength of more than 700,000 employees which are working in all over the world.

Ashok Leyland Address

The address of Ashok Leyland is No 1, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032, Tamilnadu.

Ashok Leyland Website

The Website of Ashok Leyland is

Ashok Leyland Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ashok Leyland is +91-044-22206000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ashok Leyland Service Center and Ashok Leyland customer care number is given below. The helpline of Ashok Leyland customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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