Mr. Harpreet Singh On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Our land line connection had. Been broken six months back 0 zero incoming call. First connect 0240 2332393. Thanks.
Mr. Pramod Katageri On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Sub: Request for refund of my landline deposit
Ref: Telephone No. :240. 2331482
A/c No. : 1003821311
Customer ID: 1003628989
I have disconnected my above landline during July 2017. I am yet to get back my telephone deposit. Please check and resolve the issue. Thanking you. Yours truely. Pramod Katageri . House No. 57. Ajarekar Chawl, Meenakshi Chowk. Vijayapura - 586101
Ph. 8956081905.
Ms. Prabha V Kulkarni On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Mr. Pankaj On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I have broadband BSNL landline phone number 0240-2483170, disconneted since last 13. 08. 2016 about 20 days, but no response received till date from BSNL chikalthna office aurangabad,
request you to pl. Do the needful on top priority
Mr. Maitree On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Mr. Syed Sadiq Ali Quadri On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Good evening,
evening after complaining continuously since last one month, no sincere efforts are taken by the departmental staff in giving connection of broadband which is either off or when working gives a speed of 0. 27 mbps. I am regularly paying rupees 800/- as per plan of unlimited broadband two MBPS speed. If the departmental staff fails to reconnect the broadband with speed of two MBPS then i will be compelled to discontinue the broadband from BSNL. Syed Sadiq Ali Quadri
0240 2381655. 9423708397.
Mr. Cnand On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Customer care numbers mentioned here are wrong please update I HAVE unlimited broad band connection last 15 days no adsl getting reply technicsal work in progress cant understand if you unable to provide do not charge.
Ms. Sharwari Lele On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I had called the BSNL customer care lines, but everytime it is coming engaged. I have got issue with my WIFI connection. Please let me know when this is going ot resolved. Please send me an email. Phone is 2453035.
Mr. yogesh nirpal On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
As I compliant before mny times abt network problem in my particular area, but no one yet taken any falloff to my compliant and yet it is not solve. 7588165952.
Mr. S. S Patil On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
The BSNL Land Number 0240-2381447 belonging to our residence is not working since last three days. The Telephone Set gives the Ring sound after called by any outside telephones, but immediately after lifting the Receiver the Phone call cuts automatically and instantly. No discussion becomes possible. Please note that, the Land Line is specially kept for our 85 years old aged Mother, because she can not operate Cell phone properly. The important matter is that, very often she needs to call the Doctors for her health problem. So, kind request to make clear our Land Line Residence Telephone No. 0240-2381447 immediately. Thanks. S. S. PATIL
Cell : - +91 9922941688.
Mr. Dinesh Khedkar On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Hello sir I am khedkar Dinesh madhukar customer of BSNL Broadband From Aurangabad city
sir we are suffering some installation problems of wifi net router so please help us
Mob. No. 8888232381
email id:- khedkar.
Address :- n4 south parijat Nagar cidco aurangabad.
Mr. Ganesh Garkhedkar On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Phone no -0240 2453117 is not working since last one month
Phone owners name - Mrs Kalyani Garkhedkar, Mobile no -9822401378.
Mr. Haji Yusuf On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Since last two months we are facing problem. In two months our phone was working only 15 days now again its dead. And we have registered complain since last one week, but still the issue is pending. Kindly solve the problem completely do not solve it temporarily that again and again we are facing same problem. And also after 20 days the issue was solved and again within one week the phone is dead again. Kindly solve the issue as soon as possible. Or we will move to consumer court regarding this matter. Because the bill has been charged for one month and the phone is dead from 20 days and now again within one week the phone is dead. Such a worst service we have never seen in our life. Please respond as soon as possible. Landline number (0240)2333392. This number is not working.
Mr. Bhalchandra On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Land line 02402335075 not working due to underground drainage work in our area khivnsara park garkheda opp. To ganesh tample. please Do some thing urgently. RegardsBhalchandra .
Mr. Jitendra Singh Raghuraj Singh Siroh On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
1. Disconnect broadband
2. Keep phone undersafecustdy for4 mnths w. E. F. 28-11-2015. VR in Dubai, houselocked. Wrong billing reference Invoice 10046114740067 and 68 Pladjust excess amount charged IN0067 in nextbills. Docket No. Date Booked Category Name
Mr. Sachin Bhowate On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Respected sir,
sir i had applied for the new land line and broad band connection on 11/2/2016
but still no revert from their end and the visibility is also cleared payment for the same is also done, but yet not got the connection so kindly do some needful
frequently called to many officers, but no response properly.
Ms. Shakeel Khan On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
With great sorry in my heart i would like to state that my complaint for number 0240-2344341 registered vide its number 1028274487 was registered on 11. 12. 2015 could not be solved within two months time. Also sorry to state that umpteen number of times the landline is dead with very poor response from the BSNL. Earlier complaints lodged by me can be obtained from your system. I am in receipt of bill for the period. It is requested to waive the bill and disconnect the number fortwith, since i could not use the same for the last 3-4 month. Earlier I had applied for broadband, but to no use. BSNL says no parameters. A very sorry state of affairs. Shakeel Khan
Mr. Dattu Channe On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
If we contact to customer care regarding our query )Detailed bills) they are unable to explain. Then what is the meaning of customer care. Why they are wasting money on it? They are cheating with customer and we are unable to take actions. We have only one option to quit.
Mr. Dr. Prashant Shinde On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
My name isdr. prashant shinde . my landline no. 0240- 2347470 is completely dead since six months. i had bill amount 774/- pending. plz tell me why should i pay? this is my 3rd complaint. plz solve this as urgent as possible because there is no use of landline at home.
Mr. Adv Sandeep Mahajan On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
My land line No 0240 2340803 is dead from 15/10/3015. At 150 times complaint is lodged. But not resolved till today. I am working as Add. Govt Pleader in High Court Aurangabad. My work is hampering due dead phone.
Mr. Dinesh Pund On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
No out going of land line phone number (0240) 2473159 since 28th May 2015. Contacted personalty to Harsul Exchange, very arrogant reply from your employee.complaint lodge on customer care number 1500 on 2nd June - no action. Try to contact Aurangabad BSNL CUSTOMER care number. 02402334465, surprisingly no body is lifting the phone. What to do now?.
Mr. Pathan Nazirkhan Subhankhan On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I have submitted form for shifting of landline telephone number 0240-2311486 to new place Plot NO. 64, Flat No. four, Royal Residency, Arif Colony, Aurangabad-431001 to TAR Bhavan (BSNL) CTO Bldg, Near Abhinay Theatre, Aurangabad. On 14. 01. 2015. Despite of repeated reminders on the subject then also no action has been taken by them till date. In view of lthe above fact kindly look into the matter urgently and do the needful at your end at the earliest. Thanking you.
Mr. Jagtap D S On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I had recharged for Rs 110 online through my Bsnl portal on 19/02/2015 for mobile number 9421689001 via receipt number 77780224288,, but the transaction was not processed, Kindly advice.
Mr. Pathan Nazirkhan Subhankhan On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Delay in shifting of landline telephone number. 0240-2311486 from old address to new address, form for shifting has already been forwarded to cto bluilding tar Bhavan near Abhinay.
Mr. Shinde Maroti Champati On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I want details of My postpaid Mobile Bill for month of November-2014. It is more than my Uses. Mobile number is 7588536209.
Mr. Vg Barshikar On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Name: V G Barshikar, 15, Nirala Apartment, GovindNagar, BansilalNagar, station road, Aurangabad, MS.
Landline phone number 0240. 2322410. Phone is not working today. Request you to kindly get same urgently repaired.
Mr. M. A. Nadeem On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I request you to please send some experienced person, who knows the internet cabling procedure from main line to the split unit and then to the modem and telephone at my following residence address:Plot number 169, Arif Colony Aurangabad. My Landline Phone number is 02402401165. Contact Person is Mrs. S. Qamerunnisa Begum.Mobile number 9096890850.I have a broadband WiFi connection. From last month the internet is not working. Complaint was lodged, but after a lapse of more than 15 days, on 3rd of November. some persons from (Begumpura) the telephone department came. They struggled a lot to fix the lines, but could not succeed. The internet connection was in perfect working condition. My electrician has changed the place of the modem from one room to the other, but he failed to connect the lines properly. Please do the needful.
Mr. Nitin Deshpande On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Net not connected from two to three days. Please solved of this problem. Please give me customer care number. My Mobile number is 9404015431.
Mr. Pranav Wangikar On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Phone is dead from one week. Complaint registered on 17th of October 2014. No action taken by BSNL staff. Telephone number is 0240-2322625 Location Address is Garkheda, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
Mr. Dr. Prashant Shinde On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
My number is 0240- 2347470. It is dead since last eight months. I regularly paid bills even my phone is dead.
Mr. P A Muralidharan On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I am having a broadband connection on my phone number 0240 2371743. It is not working since 04. 09. 2014. I had made complaints to local exchange several occasions, but the problem has not yet solved. Kind.
Mr. R.m.muley On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
My land line number 0240 2357691 is not working since last few months and i am paying the total bills every month.
After several complains there is no permanent solution
Given by BSNL office aurangabad. I again complain on 198, but till date nobody is attending my complain. I am not happy with BSNL services.
Are. Am. Muley
Mr. S.n. Bhagwat On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
Dear sir,
My telephone number is 02402353127
My broadband connection starts working only in the evening an is non functional in the day time.
I request you to kindly look in to the matter and arrange for the rectification of the fault. In any
Thanks and regards
Mr. S B Agrawal On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
i have activated GPRS on my mobile number 9420811511 and 9405323440, but same is not activated. each time i use the internet a massage "Service not available".
Mr. mandeep singh On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
i had recharged my data pack of rs.139 on 07/10/2013, which is not recharged till now and when i am trying to call BSNL customer care it is also not get connect from last four days
Mr. Santosh Chindage On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I am suffering from, Incoming call was not coming on my mobile number 9420968792 since last two Week.
When we dialing, saying "mobile out of reach" / "please check mobile number."....
Please resolve this issue ASAP
Mr. Vyankatesh Dhamangaonkar On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
phone is out of order since past 15 days, booked complaint vide complaint number 1013959750, still not corrected appreciate if someone can help.
Mr. mutha prafull On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
tel no 02402324627 not working since last 15 days yesterday your staff come solve the problem, but after that tel work hardely 20/30 minutes then ded the date 30.9.2013 to as on dt 1.10.2013 tel is dead please solve problem urgentely
Mr. Nilesh Garad On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
My comapny landline number is 240-2552714 and 15. has the connection line break somewhere that hence we are not possible for making calls. please help us very high priority.
Thanking You
Swajit Engineering P. Ltd.
K-18, MIDC, Waluj, Aurangbad
Mr. shaikh mohammed iliyas On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I purchase the SIM two week ago.
And my SIM is not activated yet pls
my BSNL number is 9405105652 and my alternet number is 7875814074
pleas do some thing
Mr. Bhikesh Sali On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I had purchase a new 3G SIM from BSNL at 230Rs/- office near abinay abineet theater Aurangabad maharastra.purchase date:-11/9/13, I had given my aadhar card and Pan card Xerox as proof, but still my SIM card is not activated
Mr. ramdas shelke On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
my 7588854233 and my name ramdas shelke A. I use this card since 2011, but this no has been 15 days block then I help to BSNL district office and then enquiry my number to check my docoments this card is anothre persone name documents to attaching my no.
Mr. navanath sable On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
May. mobile number 9423423459 ,this no has hellotone activated ,but i not want that please UNSUB ALL. Also I want customer care number.
Mr. Anant Kshirsagar On Phone To BSNL Aurangabad Service
I am prepaid BSNL mobile customer I am facing problem without any call my balance is deducted your customer care assistance not responding on your toll free number.1503 the needful ugently
my cell 9420895319