Bajaj Water Geyser Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Bajaj Water Geyser is 0224128 0000 .
Bajaj is the great electronic industry originally a part of Bajaj Group serving from the past seventy-four years. Bajaj Water Geyser corporation unfolded its trade in the year of 1938, in the city of Mumbai. Bajaj Water Geyser subsidiary vends and markets diverse array of items such as bulb, fan, iron, Water Geyser including household appliances. The corporation of Bajaj Water Geyser exceeds its operation all over the universe currently having nineteen sections with one thousand dealers worldwide. Every single branch of Bajaj Water Geyser has a well integrated call center procures flawless practice.

Bajaj Water Geyser - Official Contact Detail

The undertaking is enough efficient and brilliant to resolve technical issues and notable in delivering unparalleled customer care practice. Anytime customer require help, the manpower of Bajaj Water Geyser appear throughout the day via:
Help Line Numbers: 0224128 0000 / 1800 102 5963
Corporate Office Number: 02224064000
Head Office Number: 22043780 / 22043733

Bajaj Water Geyser Address

The address of Bajaj Water Geyser is Rustomjee Aspiree, 6th Floor, Bhanu Shankar Yagnik Marg, Sion East Mumbai- 400002.

Bajaj Water Geyser Email Address

The email address of Bajaj Water Geyser is

Bajaj Water Geyser Website

The Website of Bajaj Water Geyser is

Bajaj Water Geyser Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bajaj Water Geyser is 0224128 0000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bajaj Water Geyser Service Center and Bajaj Water Geyser customer care number is given below. The helpline of Bajaj Water Geyser customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Bajaj Water Geyser Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Dr G V Narasimha Rao CallsAug 22, 2017

Mr. Dr G V Narasimha Rao On Phone To Bajaj Water Geyser Service
I wish my 25 L Bajaj geyser (Copper container) serviced urgently. The electrical heater continuity exists and heating is slow, perhaps due to scale formation in the water. Request immediate action. Being worked as Scientist myself, against my earlier complaint, the service person from HSEJOY found to be most incapable person, except for taking service charges without bill.

Customer care user complaints