Ah Yat Abalone Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Ah Yat Abalone is 6332 2288 .
Ah Yat Abalone is one of the famous restaurants owned by Ah Yat Group. If you have an appetite for sea food, then h Yat Abalone is the place to where you are provided with a wide variety of delicacies. Owing to the quality of services and products, Ah Yat Abalone has garnered a gigantic base of customers comprising of locals and foreigners.

Ah Yat Abalone - Contact Information

Ah Yat Abalone offers hassle free assistance to the customers, addressing their genuine concerns in a friendly, yet quality manner. In order to reach out Ah Yat Abalone with your concerns, kindly call on given number 6332 2288.

Ah Yat Abalone - Locations

Customers in order to find the nearest establishment of the undertaking are advised to visit given link http://ahyatrestaurant.com.sg/most-recommended-seafood-restaurant/

Menu Offered at Ah Yat Abalone

Ah Yat Abalone has a menu that is decorated with alluring delicacies such as Braised Superior Shark's Fin in Stone Hotpot, Stone Pot Shark's Fin, Abalone & Sharks's Fin Set, Superior Dried Seafood & Shark's Fin Set, Abalone & Lobster Set Menu, and much more.

Ah Yat Abalone Address

The address of Ah Yat Abalone is 101 Victoria Street, #01-06 Hotel Grand Pacific S(188018).

Ah Yat Abalone Website

The Website of Ah Yat Abalone is ahyatrestaurant.com.sg.

Ah Yat Abalone Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ah Yat Abalone is 6332 2288 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ah Yat Abalone Service Center and Ah Yat Abalone customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Ah Yat Abalone customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Ah Yat Abalone. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Ah Yat Abalone will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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