Amazon Japan Contact Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Amazon Japan Contact is +81 3 4288 4028 .
Amazon is the America based on-line retailing company that was established on July 5, 1994 by Jrff Bezos. The headquarter of the corporation is situated in Seattle, Washington, United States. The company retails wide range of products such as books, fashion and clothes apparels, electronic devices, toys, jewelery, video games, Dvd's and Cd's, footwear, watches and much more products of various brands. The company also retails Nutrition and health care products, fitness equipments, home and garden equipments, sports equipments and much more through its official website and provides facility to the customer to registered their account on its website. It provides also provides latest version of software and drivers for the desktop, laptops and Mobile phones. It works on the Idea of B2C (business-to-consumer) on-line retailing. The organization has been recorded on a NYSE under the symbol as "AMZN".

Approximately more than 117,300 employees are working under the company in order to provide its product and services around worldwide. The company start providing its on-line shopping service in 1995. Amazon also introduced refund and exchange policy to their customer within the given time period. The customers can also access their own account to manage many services such as order history, check gift card balance, make payments, order status and many more. The company has its various subsidiaries such as, Amazon web services, Alexa Internet,, Goodreads,, Zappos and many more. The company launched its official website in eight different languages such as English, Italian, Spanish, French, Brazilian, Chinese, Japanese and German. Amazon provides free shipping facility and gift cards to their customers. Amazon also launched its mobile application for Android, Windows and IOS users.

Amazon Japan Contact Address

The address of Amazon Japan Contact is Shibuya Cross Tower, 6F 2-15-1 Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Amazon Japan Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Amazon Japan Contact is +81 3 4288 4028 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Amazon Japan Contact Service Center and Amazon Japan Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Amazon Japan Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Amazon Japan Contact Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Shiva CallsDec 24, 2017

Mr. Shiva On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
?? ???? ???????? ??? ?? ??????
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Customer care female
Ms. Honeylette Pakingan CallsMar 26, 2016

Ms. Honeylette Pakingan On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
08043572108 please call me just want to know about amazon nenkaihi you get from me.

Customer care female
Ms. maria CallsDec 18, 2015

Ms. maria On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
I just ordered 1 item,I am not responsible for excess orders.

Customer care male
Mr. Shannon Jacobs CallsJul 17, 2015

Mr. Shannon Jacobs On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
Complicated phishing scam based on Amazon, and apparently no safe way to contact Amazon so they can pretend to care about protecting the security of their customers. At this point I cannot tell whether or not my Amazon account has been compromised and possibly booby-trapped, and logging into that account is a key step as far as Amazon cares. The scam involves email that almost surely originated from Amazon, but I suspect it is a bogus account using my name and apparently some of my personal data (or extremely lucky guesses). More certain that it relies upon some addressing tricks for Gmail, at which point it also relies upon Google's "Live and let spam" philosophy--or possibly the Google do not care what happens to Amazon's customers. Maybe Amazon is not buying enough Google ads these days?.

Customer care female
Ms. Ladonna CallsJun 03, 2015

Ms. Ladonna On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
I've been trying to contact your site kept me asking your sign in I didn't even sign out your site is fucked up i purchased a gift card and put in my account and i can not even used. Hard to reach your site. Please reply me in this mail add. Can you improve your site for us to contact you easily without a stupid signing in thing. Thank You.

Customer care male
Mr. David CallsMar 12, 2015

Mr. David On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
HelloI left Japan definitively in June 2014 and I received a call from my Credit card company explaining that an annual fee of 3, 900 Yens has been requested by Amazon Japan. Could you please explain me what is this annual fee? and cancel it. My phone number in France: 33 six 4344 9594Best regards.

Customer care female
Ms. Alyce Kaufman CallsDec 21, 2014

Ms. Alyce Kaufman On Phone To Amazon Japan Contact Service
Dear Customer Service, I ordered two gift cards for my grandchildren in Japan, but mistakenly, they were sent to my email so they cannot use the codes. I tried using the gift card codes myself, but they didn't register properly. Then I tried to order new gift cards for them, but the payment page came up in Japanese and I couldn't put the order through. Please help me. My phone number is 718 934-2145. I am in the USA in NYC. My email is My account at Amazon Japan is Alyce Kaufman or it may be Alyce L. Kaufman. Please call as soon as possible between 9am and 8pm NY time. Thank you very much, Alyce Kaufman.

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