Andhra University College of Engineering Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Andhra University College of Engineering is 08912844771, 08912844999 .
Affiliated to Andhra University, Andhra University College of Engineering is situated at Visakhapatnam, India. It is an independent college of Andhra University which was founded in 1955. Andhra University is a leading Institute of higher education in India and was founded in 1926. Situated on the highlands of Visakhapatnam, 'The City of Destiny', the natural beauty of the University campus is spectacular, with the spread of tranquil blue shade of the 'Bay of Bengal' on one side of it and on the other, beautiful green Kailasagiri hill range. The founder of the Andhra University was Sir Dr. C.R.Reddy, Vice-Chancellor of the Andhra University.

Andhra University College of Engineering is the campus college of University and at the time of foundation the only Department in the university was of Engineering with Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering as the main branches. The trifurcation of the University colleges in 1966, led to the setting up of the College of Engineering (Autonomous) as another element of the Andhra University.

At Andhra University College of Engineering, the Department of Engineering was moved to the current location at North campus which is spread over 150 acres of land. The Department of Chemical Technology, founded in 1933, was also moved to the same campus in 1962. The trifurcation of the University colleges in 1966, led to the setting up of the College of Engineering as a different part of the Andhra University. Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam is separated into various departments like Engineering departments, Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Geo-Engineering, Instrument Technology, Marine Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ceramic Technology etc.

Majority of the Andhra University College of Engineering staff members have higher qualifications than the compulsory qualification set by the AICTE, UGC. Hostel facility is available in Andhra University College of Engineering for both boys and girls, though the number of seats is limited. Allopathic and homoeopathic medical centers are working within the campus. In addition, there is a department of Physical Education in the University and there is also a Gymnasium. There is a Yoga Village on the beach road, close to the University for Yoga and Consciousness, where different training programmes in yoga are carried out. There is an NSS unit in college, located next to the School of Distance Education, to help students to be occupied with social service activities.

Andhra University College of Engineering follows graduate 4 year period with external mode of examination for the programs of B.E, B.Tech, B.Arch, B.Pharm and Master 4 semester course for the M.E, M.Tech programmes.

Andhra University College of Engineering Address

The address of Andhra University College of Engineering is Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

Andhra University College of Engineering Email Address

The email address of Andhra University College of Engineering is

Andhra University College of Engineering Website

The Website of Andhra University College of Engineering is

Andhra University College of Engineering Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Andhra University College of Engineering is 08912844771, 08912844999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Andhra University College of Engineering Service Center and Andhra University College of Engineering customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Andhra University College of Engineering customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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