Bank of Hawaii Kona Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bank of Hawaii Kona is +1 (808) 322-3380 / 1-888-643-3888 .
The Bank of Hawaii is a safe and reliable bank in terms of security that provides financial services to the individuals, consumers and businesses. It is a financial bank that handles 4 segments including retail banking, commercial banking, investments and treasury. The bank provides its services across Hawaii, American Samoa and the Pacific Islands. It is the corporation that has maximum number of branches with their ATM facilities across the state. They also offer online transaction services with mobile banking and also issuing customers Bank of Hawaii American Express Card, Bank of Hawaii Visa Signature Credit Card, Bank of Hawaii Hawaiian Airlines Visa Signature Credit Card. It is the subsidiary of Bank of Hawaii Corporation that was founded in 1897 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Connecting Address Of Bank of Hawaii Kona

To visit at Bank of Hawaii Kona for any assistance, customers can visit at the given address:
78-6831 Alii Dr #131, Kailua-Kona,
Hawaii 96740, United States

Contact Details Of Bank of Hawaii Kona

Customers who are interested to know about the services of Hawaii Kona can contact to the officials with out any hesitation by calling on the numbers:
  • Hawaii, U.S. Mainland and Canada: 1-888-643-3888
  • Guam and Saipan: 1-877-553-2424
  • In American Samoa: 684-633-2872
  • In Palau: 680-488-3338

Credit Card Contacts Of Bank of Hawaii Kona

Hawaii Kona offers various types credit Cads to their customers. Who are have queries regrading the credit cards can interact with the officials by using the numbers mentioned below:

Bank of Hawaii
MyBankoh Rewards
Credit Card
Telephone: 1-888-455-5330

Bank of Hawaii
Hawaiian AirlinesĀ®
Consumer Credit Card
Telephone: 1-866-250-2883

Bank of Hawaii
Hawaiian AirlinesĀ®
Business Credit Card
Telephone: 1-866-686-5229

Media Contacts Of Hawaii Kona

For information regarding media of Hawaii Kona consumers can contact to the officials by different ways like ways like mail or phone. We are given the contact details which are given below:

Stafford Kiguchi
Ph: (808) 694-8580
Mobile: (808) 265-6367

Investor Relations Contacts Of Hawaii Kona

For information regarding the investor services of Bank of Hawaii Kona, consumers can call to the representatives on the given numbers:
Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (overnight courier)
211 Quality Circle
College Station, TX 77845
Computershare Investor Services
Toll-free :888-660-5443

Bank of Hawaii Kona Address

The address of Bank of Hawaii Kona is 78-6831 Alii Dr #131, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740, United States.

Bank of Hawaii Kona Website

The Website of Bank of Hawaii Kona is

Bank of Hawaii Kona Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bank of Hawaii Kona is +1 (808) 322-3380 / 1-888-643-3888 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bank of Hawaii Kona Service Center and Bank of Hawaii Kona customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bank of Hawaii Kona customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Bank of Hawaii Kona. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Bank of Hawaii Kona will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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