Blackberry Playbook UK Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Blackberry Playbook UK is 01753 558410 .
BlackBerry Play Book is a small tablet system which is the invention of Quanta Computer. Blackberry Tablet Operating system was first installed on this device and was initially introduced in Canada and the United States in the year 2011. The main head office is located at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Blackberry Playbook has its branches in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Get Started With Blackberry Playbook

1. Customer has to create a network connection, Login ID on their blackberry playbook.
2. Customer need to create a single ID, to GAIN access to Blackberry world.
3. Customers have to install blackberry bridge on their phones so that they can use their keyboard and mouse by using their smartphone device.

Features of Blackberry Playbook

1. BlackBerry playbook tablet is having 1 GHz dual-core and RAM of 1 GB memory.
2. Blackberry devices have 180mm LCD display
3. 1024×600 pixels WSVGA with an aspect ratio of 16:9, making high definition videos more clear.
4. Sound quality is Very high in blackberry devices
5. Highly sensitive touch screens.
6. GPS services
7. Blackberry devices have 5 megapixel Rear camera and Three megapixel front camera.
8. Blackberry has USB and HDMI ports.

Blackberry Playbook Support

1. Device Switch: Customers can easily switch from one device to blackberry devices. They only have to transfer all the stuff to their new device and get started with the newer version of blackberry. To know more about device switching you can contact blackberry customer care at

2. Troubleshooting: Blackberry Provides full support to their customers. Blackberry is ready to answer all the queries regarding troubleshooting issues, like If you transfer lot of data at a time, blackberry takes much time to display that data. Customer need to add an account for solving this issue. Blackberry provides customers different manuals, blogs, videos, and also online demos to solve troubleshooting errors.

Social Networking Sites of Blackberry Playbook

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Blackberry Playbook UK Address

The address of Blackberry Playbook UK is BlackBerry 200 Bath Road Slough, Berkshire United Kingdom SL1 3XE.

Blackberry Playbook UK Email Address

The email address of Blackberry Playbook UK is

Blackberry Playbook UK Website

The Website of Blackberry Playbook UK is

Blackberry Playbook UK Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Blackberry Playbook UK is 01753 558410 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blackberry Playbook UK Service Center and Blackberry Playbook UK customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Blackberry Playbook UK customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Blackberry Playbook UK. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Blackberry Playbook UK will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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