Burlington Vt Dmv Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Burlington Vt Dmv is +1 802-863-7292 / 802 828-2000 / 888-998-3766 .
Burlington Vermont Dmv is the non profitable department of motor vehicle in the United States which deals with transportation system. It is responsible to issue the driving license to the drivers, registering motor vehicle, titling automobiles, renewing number plates in the country. The department issues driving license after taking the written test and driving test. It provides the traffic rules information and regulate transportation in the state. The department of motor vehicle provides insurance services and the information regarding applying for driving license. It maintains the records of the accidents and is responsible for enforcing the federal law and state law rules for the motor vehicle in Vermont. The department provides online services to the Citizens such as IRP permits and IFTA Filing, motorcycle registration, motor vehicle record, drivers license reinstatement fee payment, renew the registration etc to the citizens.

Important Contacting Information - Burlington Vt Dmv

Burlington Vt Dmv, as one of the innovative and valuable federal association in Burlington, the association has offered all valuable services and assistance regarding to the transportation in the regions with full assurance and support, especially in the areas of Burlington. Similarly, the responsible authority of the Burlington Vt Dmv has offered important contacting information, so that the interesting citizens of Burlington can get all valuable information about the association. In adding to this, with the assistance of valuable contacts, people can get additional information about the services, support as well as assistance issued by the Burlington Vt Dmv. Below are mentioned the valuable contacting information about the Burlington Vt Dmv.

Official Contact Number for General Information
Phone: 802 828-2000

Official Toll Free Contact Number for General Support
Phone: 888-998-3766

Official Contact Number for Motorcycle Permit/Skills Test
Phone: 802 828-2085

Official Contact Number for Motorcycle Training
Phone: 802 828-2068

Official Contact Number for Registration Renewal
Phone: 802 866-259-5368

Official Contact Number for Hearings
Phone: 802 828-2016

Official Contact Number for Driver Education
Phone: 802 828-2114

Burlington Vt Dmv Address

The address of Burlington Vt Dmv is 4 Market Street, South Burlington, Vermont, United States.

Burlington Vt Dmv Website

The Website of Burlington Vt Dmv is dmv.vermont.gov.

Burlington Vt Dmv Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Burlington Vt Dmv is +1 802-863-7292 / 802 828-2000 / 888-998-3766 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Burlington Vt Dmv Service Center and Burlington Vt Dmv customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Burlington Vt Dmv customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Burlington Vt Dmv. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Burlington Vt Dmv will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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