Curry Queen Cambridge Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Curry Queen Cambridge is +44 1223 351027 / 0333 370 9000 / .
Curry Queen Cambridge is an Indian restaurant located at Mill Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Curry Queen Cambridge mainly serves Indian dishes in starters, sundries, appetisers, breads etc categorised in veg and non veg. Curry Queen Cambridge is famous for its tandoori and biryani dishes. Curry Queen Cambridge menu is also available through home delivery which covers the area of Cambridge, Chesterton, Newtown, Fen Ditton, Cherry Hinton, Grantchester, Trumpington, Teversham etc. The table can be booked through online. Curry Queen Cambridge is open from Monday to Sunday. Curry Queen Cambridge is well know for the menu served to customers as the restaurant offer different dishes of India, to customers. Curry Queen Cambridge has employed dedicated staff that render services effectively. Curry Queen Cambridge also offer all the latest facility that consists of accepting payment through all types of master cards. Curry Queen Cambridge also empower customers to book table online, as the restaurant offers space for parties, friend groups and meetings.

Customer Contacts Of Curry Queen Cambridge

Curry Queen Cambridge has adopted customer centered approach, thus provide easy access to customers through established channels. The restaurant has setup various contact channels to facilitate customers. To connect with Curry Queen Cambridge use following means:
Mailing Address: 106 Mill Road Cambridge
Cambridgeshire CB1 2BD.
Customer Service: 0333 370 9000
Note Timing: Monday -Sunday: 12:00 – 2:00 PM, 6:00 PM – 12:00 AM

Online Booking Of Curry Queen Cambridge

Curry Queen Cambridge offer all the facilities to customers that consists of latest customer service. Curry Queen Cambridge empower customers to book online table, as the restaurant has well designed web support. Customers has to choose the menu and book order from online support of restaurant. To know more about the online booking of Curry Queen Cambridge do, visit the link:

Employment Criteria Of Curry Queen Cambridge

Curry Queen Cambridge strive to hire the best and provide opportunities to learn and build rewarding careers in our industry. Curry Queen Cambridge provides an engaging work environment and offers competitive compensation that includes base salary and performance-based incentive programs, paid-time off, health care and other benefits. Curry Queen Cambridge is an Equal Opportunity Employer for those who seeks the job that is going to meet there needs in most suitable ways.

Curry Queen Cambridge Address

The address of Curry Queen Cambridge is 106 Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 2BD, United Kingdom.

Curry Queen Cambridge Website

The Website of Curry Queen Cambridge is

Curry Queen Cambridge Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Curry Queen Cambridge is +44 1223 351027 / 0333 370 9000 / (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Curry Queen Cambridge Service Center and Curry Queen Cambridge customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Curry Queen Cambridge customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Curry Queen Cambridge. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Curry Queen Cambridge will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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