Franklin Templeton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Franklin Templeton is +1-800-632-2350, (800)-632-2350 .
Franklin Templeton originally known as Franklin Templeton Investments is an American financial service company that is operated by Franklin Resources Inc. a holding company that takes care of its business that is known for its investment management solutions globally. It is a privately held public Limited company and the name of the company was given by its Rupert Johnson after he got inspired with Benjamin Franklin. It is an American holding company that manages financial services such as mutual funds, either open-ended or close-ended, retirement plans, commodities, equities, brokerage services, financial advisory services, financial analysis, investment advisory services etc. Franklin Templeton Investments has their strong worldwide impact through its presence in over 35 countries of the world.

Franklin Templeton Investments came into existence in the year 1947 as Franklin Distributors, Inc. which later on changed its name. The company is recognized in the world for their customer centric plans that provides financial strength and stability to the clientele. The company ranks among the largest asset management groups in the world with a large amount of money in the form of assets. Since its inception the company took over operations of number of financial and related companies in order to reach to more number of people.

Franklin Templeton Address

The address of Franklin Templeton is One, Franklin Parkway, Building-970, 1st Floor, San Mateo, CA-94403, California, United States.

Franklin Templeton Email Address

The email address of Franklin Templeton is

Franklin Templeton Website

The Website of Franklin Templeton is

Franklin Templeton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Franklin Templeton is +1-800-632-2350, (800)-632-2350 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Franklin Templeton Service Center and Franklin Templeton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Franklin Templeton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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