Mr. Tara On Phone To Jerry Baker Service
I have e alre
I have already paid for 000009201524.
Mr. Freddie. Halll On Phone To Jerry Baker Service
Mr. Baker, A month or so ago l received an un solicted book that l never order, l immediately returned it to you, l just knew this was the end of this ordeal and l would not have to deal with this again. Low and behold today March 25, 2016 l received a letter from you requesting full payment. I contactes customer service (michelle) and was told by her that it was taken care of. Now l know things do not always happen the way someone tells you especially when it comes to money. I So l am telling you right now that l do not wa.
Ms. Wiiliam Ratliff On Phone To Jerry Baker Service
remove me from your mailing list. I DID NOT order your catalog. Continuing to do so is harrassment by mail and is illegal. I am documenting all my correspondence with you and if it not taken care of I will file a complaint with the post office and the Better business bureau. PO Box 6771, Oxnard, CA 93031
Mr. William Ratliff On Phone To Jerry Baker Service
Please remove me from your mailing list. I DID NOT order a catalog from you. Thanks
William Ratliff
PO BOX 6771
Oxnard, CA 93031
Mr. Mary Lai On Phone To Jerry Baker Service
i received an unsolicited book order 195 607 480 and now i am worried about future orders i did not order which appears fraudulent on jerry baker whom i thought was a respected author i ordered by mail (not onine) the 125 healing book which i loved but i did not order another one and now have to go thru returning it which is very upsetting to me i went online to remove me from your mailig list had you not done this, i 'might have been' a future customer but not now. you should stop doing this what is wrong with you. this is ruining your business i bet. iam 71 years old and can't tolerate stuff like this.