Jysk Surrey Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Jysk Surrey is +1-604-576-5975, 1-888-696-JYSK (5975) .
JYSK is a privately owned retail stores chain based in Denmark. It has more than 2,000 retail stores which are spread in 34 countries around the world including Germany, Sweden, China, Norway, United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Kazakhstan and United States. According to 2012, Jysk employs over 17,000 employees. It started its journey in the year 1979 by Lar Larsen.

The first store of the JYSK was established on Silkeborgvej in the Danish city Aarhus. It is owned by Lars Larsen. JYSK has rewarded with King Frederik IX's Honorary Award. It is one of the largest Danish retailers throughout the world in terms of stores. The corporate office of the company is situated in Arhus, Denmark. It provides a large variety of home decor products, mattresses, furniture and lots more. JYSK also offers online shopping facility to the customers.

Address Location And Phone Numbers If JYSK Surrey

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