Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois is 847.377.2000 / 847.377.2050 .
The Lake County is a region which forms the chief unit for administration for various county information and services in terms of resources provided in terms of business relations, links with various colleges, information about health programs. It is located in the northeastern area of Illinois with Lake Michigan to the East, Wisconsin to the North and the City Of Chicago to the South. The resources provided are handled by a community serving for various rural communities, urban centers, wealthy residential areas and tourist communities. This county as the permanent homes for millions of residents was founded on March 1, 1839 by The State Illinois Legislature. The county is covered in a total area of 1,368 square miles of which, 448 square miles of it is land and 920 square miles of it is water.

Corporate Office of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois

The users can visit the office of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois on the below offered address including as:
18 N. County Street
Waukegan, IL 60085
Ph: 847.377.2000

Contact Persons of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois

In order to get the quick response from the Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois, feel free to call on the given numbers as:
Officers Phone / Fax Numbers
Meghan Topp 847.377.2192 / 847.984.5773
Kathy Needham 847.377.2200 / 847.984.5770
?Blanca Vela Schneider 847.377.2300 / 847.984.5675
Karen Brush 847.377.2317 / 847.984.5781
Kent McKenzie 847.377.7100/ 847.377.7015
Lisa Jacobson 847.487.8163 / 847.740.2398
Joy Rice 847.377.2163 / 847.984.5904

Assessment Office of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois

In order to contact the assessment office of the Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois which is located at the given address as:
Martin Paulson, M.B.A., M.S.,
Chief County Assessment Officer
18 N. County Street
Waukegan, IL 60085
Ph: 847.377.2050
Fax: 847.984.5931

For Circuit Court Clerk:
Keith Brin
Ph: 847.377.3380

Media Relations of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois

For the communications of the Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois, the press holders can use the below offered contacts as:
Ph: 847.377.2550

Human Resources of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois

For the human resources of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois, the users can use the below offered address or numbers as:
Rodney S. Marion, Director
18 N. County Street
Waukegan, IL 60085
Ph: 847.377.2700
Fax: 847.984.5988

Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Address

The address of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois is 18 N County Street, Waukegan, Illinois 60085, United States.

Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Email Address

The email address of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois is

Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Website

The Website of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois is

Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois is 847.377.2000 / 847.377.2050 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Service Center and Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Lake County Jail Waukegan Illinois will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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