Levis Manchester Arndale Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Levis Manchester Arndale is +44 161 833 9851 .
Levis is officially known as Levis Strauss and Co, a privately owned clothing company based in the United States. It is involved in the business of designing, marketing and selling of apparel and accessories for women, Men and kids. Levis is a worldwide company that has a large network of more than 2,800 retail stores across the Globe including Asia Pacific, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Latin America and United States. One of the store is located in Manchester Arndale which is the largest shopping center in the United Kingdom. Levis is a family owned business that started its operations in the year 1853 in San Francisco by the efforts of Levi Strauss. The name of the company was dedicated to its founder 'Levi Strauss'. It is one of the world's leading and largest clothing companies in terms of revenue. According to 2013, the company had its Revenue of around $4,682 million. Levis offers a large collection of clothing such as jeans, tops, shorts, jackets and vests, dresses and skirts, pants, t-shirts, outerwear, sweatshirts and sweaters, trousers and more. In addition to this, the company also provides footwear, belts, wallets and bags. The company sells its products under the brand names of Dockers, Denizen, Levi's and Signature by Levi Strauss and Co. Corporate office of the company is situated in San Francisco, California, United States. It is the world's best selling brand of denim jeans for women and men. As per 2010 records, the company had workforce of approximately 16,200 employees entire the world. Levis sells its products in over 110 countries across the world through company-owned retail stores, independent retailers and e-commerce sites.

Levis Manchester Arndale Address

The address of Levis Manchester Arndale is Market St, Manchester M4 3AQ, United Kingdom.

Levis Manchester Arndale Website

The Website of Levis Manchester Arndale is www.levi.com.

Levis Manchester Arndale Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Levis Manchester Arndale is +44 161 833 9851 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Levis Manchester Arndale Service Center and Levis Manchester Arndale customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Levis Manchester Arndale customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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