Logitech Canada Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Logitech Canada is +1-905-629-2006 .
Logitech Canada is an International representative branch of 'Logitech International SA' a well renowned manufacturing brand of computer and peripheral products. The company is based in Switzerland.

The company generally produces products for PC navigation, Internet communications, gaming, home-entertainment control and digital music.

The company started its journey on 2 October 1981 in Apples, Switzerland and now headquartered in placed in Lausanne, Switzerland. As of 2013, The company distributed its innovative and broad array of products in more than 100 countries through retail channels and strategic partners.

Its sales offices are situated in the continents of North America, Asia Pacific and Europe including United Kingdom, China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia and many more countries. There are several computer and tablet accessories offered by Logitech including headphones, PC speakers, PC keyboards, alert security cameras, wireless music systems, mice, gamepads, desktop microphones, iPad keyboard covers.

The company is also registered in the Nasdaq Stock Market and traded as 'LOGI'. NASDAQ Stock Market is the 2nd major stock exchange in the Globe while Logitech is also having its presence in SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol 'LOGN'

Logitech Canada Address

The address of Logitech Canada is 5025 Orbitor Drive Suite 200 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4Y5, Canada.

Logitech Canada Website

The Website of Logitech Canada is www.logitech.com.

Logitech Canada Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Logitech Canada is +1-905-629-2006 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Logitech Canada Service Center and Logitech Canada customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Logitech Canada customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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