NIS America Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of NIS America is (714) 540-1122. .
NIS America known as Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. also called as Prism Kikaku Ltd. It is a company that deals with business of video Game industry. NIS America was introduced in 1994 in Gifu prefecture, Japan just as amusement company. It is actually a Japaneses Nippon Ichi Software company that started its business in Santa ANA California, America in 24 December in the year 2003. NIS America has achieved a good kind of status among the dominated Video Game Companies throughout the Japan and North America. Phantom Brave, the NIS Americas first introduced gamed in North America. In the North America NIS America company played a vital role making their products and for spreeing their business the outstanding example was Disgaea (Hour Of Dark)

Some features offered by NIS Americas

News/Article is the best featured offered by the NIS America that provides all updated news about products and all. Store is another that provides per-order, Games , Anime, Merchandise, Disgaea and many more. The another features comes Members, Support Press and so on. NIS America released some leading and dominated games, Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome was released in 17, March 2005, Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness 30, November 2006, Criminal Girls: Invite Only 28, November 2013, Trinity Universe 29, June 2010.

Some Social Media Links of NIS America
There are some social media links available for NIS America that brings upto the date information about the Companies offers, products, updated informations, and so on.

Facebook users can follow this link

Twitter users can follow this link

Linkedin users can fallow this link

NIS America Address

The address of NIS America is Santa Ana, CA.

NIS America Email Address

The email address of NIS America is,

NIS America Website

The Website of NIS America is

NIS America contact person

The contact person of NIS America is Souhei Niikawa.

NIS America Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of NIS America is (714) 540-1122. (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of NIS America Service Center and NIS America customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of NIS America customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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