Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic is 01732282444, 01732282853 .

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar was established in 1980 with a certificate course in library science .The first diploma course in chemical engineering (Pulp & paper) was started in the year 1983. The status of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar became grant-in aid w.e.f the year 1990.Presently it is offering seven diploma courses .All the courses are recognized by all Indian council of technical education Haryana, Chandigarh.

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar owes its existence to the munificence of Seth Ashok Kumar, Chairman, Managing committee, who has established it in the sacred memory of his father, Late Seth Jai Parkash Ji, an eminent industrialist and philanthropist of northern India. Seth Mukand Lal, grandfather of Seth Ashok Kumar ,an ardent Gandhi an founded a chain of institutions of knowledge and human services .his worthy son Seth Jai Parkash not only nourished these but extended the sphere by opening more institutions at Yamuna Nagar, Radaur, Ghaziabad, Damla and Jalandhar. Seth Jai Parkash polytechnic Damla is another link in the glorious chain of 30 institutions being run and looked after by this generous family.

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar is located at Damla, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar Library is an example of classification and cataloguing practice. We have a very rich technical library with about 13 thousand Books and Nearly 15 journals coming every month. It helps add to the knowledge of staff and students about the recent development in various fields. This is the only library in state Haryana having open access system for students.

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar has adequate hostel facilities with all modern amenities. There are total three hostels for both boys and girls. Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar Workshops are fully equipped with Modem Gadgets which frame the students more practically. To strengthen the technical skill institute is providing latest machinery, thus giving impetus for future development to meet the objectives of curriculum.

In addition to running the regular diploma courses Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar are actively imparting technical training for socio-economic uplift of the weaker section of the society. Community Development Cell runs this scheme a scheme of ministry of human resources and development, New Delhi. Under This scheme short duration courses ranging from one to six month in the need based areas like computer awareness, Radio & TV repair, Motor Winding, Stenography, House wiring etc. are running for needy Unemployed youth.

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic - SJPP Yamuna Nagar provides placement facility. The cell was established in 1991 to bring enhanced relevance of the education and training program under the charge of Training and placement officer. To keep with the rapid technological advancement in industry. A wide variety of activities has been taken up in collaboration with industry to improve the quality of pass outs .The scope of the scheme is to promote industry-institute interaction in improving the quality of pass outs. All concerned have freedom to think of additional inputs from industry, relate them to functions of technical education system, ultimate outcomes and system improvement.

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic Address

The address of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic is Damla, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana.

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic Email Address

The email address of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic is

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic Website

The Website of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic is

Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic is 01732282444, 01732282853 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic Service Center and Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Seth Jai Parkash Polytechnic customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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