Simpson Strong Tie Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Simpson Strong Tie is +1-800-999-5099, +1-925-560-9000, Fax: +1-925-847-1597 .
Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. is a privately-held company with the headquarters in Pleasanton, California that specializes in the business of building products and materials. The company is engaged in manufacturing, distribution and retailing of structural products used to build safer and stronger homes and buildings.

Simpson Strong-Tie was incorporated in the year 1914 with the Aim to provide high-quality products for the San Francisco Bay Area building community. Currently, the company is the world's leader in building materials industry including structural systems research, testing and innovation. In addition, Simpson Strong-Tie is also considered one of the major suppliers of structural building products throughout the globe.

Simpson Strong Tie Structural Products and Services

Simpson Strong Tie provides a wide range of structural building products such as Engineered Structural Connectors, Fasteners, Mechanical and Anchoring Systems, Fastening Systems, Lateral-Force Resistance Systems, Repair, Protection and Strengthening Products. The company sells its products across the United States and other countries through a large network of dealers, distributors and regional offices.

Simpson Strong Tie has over 55 years experience in this industry that committed to deliver the best products and services including exceptional products, full-service engineering and field support, product testing and training. Apart from this, the company also offers code-listed, field-tested products, and value-engineered solutions to the industry professionals.

Simpson Strong Tie Customer Support and Timing

For any general support, information, complaints and suggestions related to Simpson Strong Tie products and services, the customers can call at the toll free number of Simpson Strong Tie.

For other information and questions regarding the company's products and services, you can write email through the page link: ( In most cases you will receive a response in two business days or less).

If you have a technical issues, problems or product questions, kindly visit to the Ask Simpson page of Simpson Strong Tie:

Simpson Strong Tie Address

The address of Simpson Strong Tie is Simpson Strong Tie Street Address: 5956 West Las Positas Boulevard, Pleasanton, CA 94588, United States Simpson Strong Tie Mailing Address: PO Box 10789, Pleasanton, CA 94588, United States.

Simpson Strong Tie Website

The Website of Simpson Strong Tie is

Simpson Strong Tie Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Simpson Strong Tie is +1-800-999-5099, +1-925-560-9000, Fax: +1-925-847-1597 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Simpson Strong Tie Service Center and Simpson Strong Tie customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Simpson Strong Tie customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Simpson Strong Tie. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Simpson Strong Tie will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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