Vans Shoes Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Vans Shoes is +1-855-909-8267 .
Vans Shoes is offered by Vans, a subordinate unit of VF Corporation, a prestigious name in the United States of America that is involved in clothing and accessories business. Vans is one of the twenty five brands of VF Corporation which provides shoes, clothing and accessories for all ages of customers. The company has its own design, market, and distribution channel while also having number of retail stores at North America, Australia, Asia and Europe. The brand mainly provides its products to those person who keeps deep-longing in skate, snowboarding, surfing, moto and BMX. The brand also provides gift card facility to its regular customers which is a discount service of Vans.

Introduction to VF Corporation

VF Corporation is a US based action sports lifestyle company and has assets of approximately $12 billion till March 2015. The company mainly provides Outdoor and Action Sports, Sportswear and Jeanswear products under the label of twenty five brands. Few of them are Lee, Rustler, Majestic, Vans, Wrangler, The North Face, Eastpack, Nautica, Jansport, Red Kap, Horace Small, Splendid, Timberland and various others. The corporation is a creation of 'John Barbey' and a group of investors. They started the firm as 'Reading Glove and Mitten Manufacturing Company' and with assets of $11,000 in 320-square-foot land area in the year 1899 at Reading, Pennsylvania. At present, its headquarters is placed at Greensboro, North Carolina.

Contact Us link of Vans
In this link, the company has mentioned their head office address and contact details as well as the online user can also go with order inquiry and related information after filling some options.

Store Finder Link of Vans
Through this link, the online user can easily find out the store locations of Vans which are situated at four continents of the Globe namely North America, Australia, Asia and Europe.

Contact Us link of VF Corporation
This link is helpful to get the entire mailing and contact details of VF Corporation as well as customer service, Investor Relations, Media Inquiries, etc is also available in this link.

Vans Shoes Address

The address of Vans Shoes is N850 County HWY CB Appleton, Wisconsin 54914, United States.

Vans Shoes Email Address

The email address of Vans Shoes is

Vans Shoes Website

The Website of Vans Shoes is

Vans Shoes Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Vans Shoes is +1-855-909-8267 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Vans Shoes Service Center and Vans Shoes customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Vans Shoes customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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