Mr. Hitesh On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
Please windows ten Photoshop download link.
Ms. Smita Sharma On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
I tried to reach out to the customer care many times today on the phone. I am using licensed Adobe softwares like Lightroom and Photoshop. I am currently using a HP laptop and am going to buy a Macbook soon. Is it possible to transfer the licensed software to my new machine? I am not going to use my current laptop after that. Thanks
Mr. Sanjeev Shukla On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
Sir, apse sanjeev ka request, mujhe passport size photo ko khichna and size, photo ki saphai etyadi set karane ki jankari please mere mail me send karne ki kripa kare mai abhi abhi new shop photoshop ka open kiya ho jankari ki abhov ke karan dikkato ka samana karna pad raha hai please mujhe jankari dene ki kirpa kare mo number 9584888417, 07650268866. Gmail-
Mr. Jigar On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
Hello Sir/Mam I am Jigar Dalwadi, i am from Gujarat At Anand I have one adobe in-design file, but that file is not support in adobe in design then after i downloaded adobe in design cc 2014 latest version, but that is not support and one Error generate on my my Desktop please use to adobe Photoshop cs 8. two i find on Google, but that is not found so please you help me i urgently work on that file okai, Thanks.
Mr. Priyabrata Rout On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
When installed adobe photoshopcs6 cannot installed, it ask serial number But i have no serial number Please give me a serial number is.
Mr. Iliyas On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
Serial number 1330-1751-1921-7520-1721-1350
Activation number 4681-4697-8587-5571-3567-4662-4895
Activation Type Normal: 159:41
What is my Authorization code?
Mr. Sabyasachi Ghosh On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
I am having Photoshop CC Version 2014 in my home desktop and had bought the same under your scheme of Rs499 per month. The software does not have the Lighting Effects feature under Filter Render Light effects. Please help me.
Mr. Dr Puneet Swaroop On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
As internet is not available on all machines we will be installed the software on some machine where we shall work offline and hence perpetual license is a must. If you are unable to resolve then please forward these details to the concerned department as we are unable to get response from your company/ vendors for past nine months now. Kindly acknowledge the receipt. Dr. (er. ) Puneet Swaroop, Scientist/ engineer, Iirs/ isro, dept of space., Govt. Of India, 4 Kalidas Road, Dehradoon (Uttarakahand)Pin-248001.
Mr. Dr Puneet Swaroop On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
As internet is not available on all machines we will be installing the software on some machine where we will work offline and hence perpetual license is a must. If you are unable to resolve then please forward these details to the concerned department as we are unable to get response from your company/ vendors for past nine months now.
Mr. Dr Puneet Swaroop On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
We want to purchase a Adobe (Acrobat Photoshop Dreamweaver )software on perpetual license for our Indian Institute of Remote Sensing. But your dealers are saying that the perpetual license is not being provided now; please. Update if this information is true and guide us further of purchasing the same.
Mr. Dr Puneet Swaroop On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
Actually aour P and SO should have contacted you, but he is unable to get the proper mail/ contact details of your company. Hence I am compelled to contact you seeking some clarifications.
Mr. Dushyant Mobarsa On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
How to make passport size photo
in Hindi language PHOTOSHOP7
send Pdf file Hindi in my Gmail.
Mr. Avinash Singh On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
Photoshop showing send and do not send eroor report always please contact me as soon as possible
Mr. Piyush Srivastava On Phone To Adobe Photoshop India Service
You Currently have Adobe Photoshop's primary Scratch and Windows' primary paging file on the same volume, which can result in reduced performance. It is recommended that you set Adobe Photoshop's primary Scratch volume to be on a different volume, preferably on a diffrent physical Drive.
My Contact number is 8922910686 (U.P.)