Bosch Battery Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Bosch Battery is 18004258665 .
Bosch Battery is the name of a product, manufactured by Bosch, a multinational engineering and electronics company. Bosch Battery is a privately held company. The company was established on 15th November of 1886 by Robert Bosch GMBH. Bosch Batteries have a number of features including consistent power output, corrosion resistant, long life, side wall ribbing, charging indicator and polythene envelope separator. The batteries are widely used in the automobiles such as cars, trucks and tractors.

Bosch Specifications

The product line of the company includes automotive belts, fuel systems, braking systems, generators, electrical drives, charging coils, clutch plates, steering systems, Diesel systems, filters, gasoline systems, ignition coils, Home appliance, lighting accessories, horns, glow plugs, relays, stators, Automotive parts, power tools, security systems, spark plugs and wiper blades. The company is being operated by head office situated in Stuttgart, Germany. Bosch has a strength of approximately 307,000 employees to manage the working of the company. Bosch Battery has approximately 350 subsidiary companies. Bosch company serves countless customers worldwide with an assured standard of customer support services. According to the financial reports of the year of 2013, the Bosch had a total Revenue of over 46.1 billion U.S. Dollars. Bosch Battery company has been awarded the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2000 certification (quality) and ISO 14001 certified (environmental protection).

Office Location of Bosch Battery:

Post Box No. 3000, Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Customer care number of Bosch Battery:

Toll-Free Number 18004258665
+91 80 4176 8058
+91 80 2299 2724

Official Email Address of Bosch Battery:

Official Website of Bosch Battery:

Social Media Presence:

Bosch Battery Facebook Link

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Bosch Battery Address

The address of Bosch Battery is Post Box No 3000, Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bangalore, Karnataka, India..

Bosch Battery Email Address

The email address of Bosch Battery is

Bosch Battery Website

The Website of Bosch Battery is

Bosch Battery Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bosch Battery is 18004258665 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bosch Battery Service Center and Bosch Battery customer care number is given below. The helpline of Bosch Battery customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Bosch Battery Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Rahul CallsMar 24, 2015

Hi Team, I have replaced Bosch Battery for i20 car under warranty. But the dealer had not given me any kind of receipt or warranty card for this replaced new battery. Please assist me for the same as I do not have any proof of this replaced battery. Thanks, Rahul Chavan.

Customer care female
Ms. Pooja CallsSep 22, 2014

Ms. Pooja On Phone To Bosch Battery Service
I have purchased battery form one of your dealers in Delhi on 15/09/2012 number is 034745, seems to some battery issue as car is not getting started please advice.

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