Mr. Elijah Israel On Phone To Activision USA Service
My number is 7656182468 my call of duty black ops one has two maps that won't allow my levels to move up, Ascension, and five, maps are both stuck on low levels I have long passed, but they stay the same can you fix please I have tried deleting the game and downloading again, but it stays the same.
Ms. M.pfaff On Phone To Activision USA Service
I am a grandmother in Holland and searching for the Skylander-figure Wallop; there is no shop in Holland who can deliver and the sales-dept. activation in Amsterdam is not prepared to talk to me( or anyone else, i think Can you please help me to get this figure before Christmas? Thank you so much for cooperating. Meg Pfaff.
Mr. Richard On Phone To Activision USA Service
I can not log into my call of duty advance warfare app keeps saying e mail already used, but do not let me sign in.
Mr. homer On Phone To Activision USA Service
im having trouble getting on elite through the web and i have tried resetting my password and now I am trying to get a hold of you guys
Mr. Chris Corica On Phone To Activision USA Service
My account is BadAzzBro4 I've had it for years now, I must say playstation is where it's at, but I do have a concern there is this guy account name zacpac3. He claims that I have an aimBot, lag switch and god mode. None of which is true. He says he has friend in your company that will ban me for this. I was wondering i you could help cause I have no cheats at all . He is just one very mad noob. Thank you very much. Looking forward to PS4. Thank you, BadAzzBro4