Aerogarden Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Aerogarden is +1-800-476-9669, 303-444-7755 .
Aerogarden is a brand name of gardening products and equipments manufactured by an American national company named AeroGrow International. The company is better known for its indoor garden also known with the name of Aerogarden. The specialty of Aerogarden is that it does not take natural sunlight for the plants in the garden to grow but takes artificial sunlight that comes from sources like CFL or LED lights. One can grow small plants of different types like of vegetables, herbs, salad plants and flowers. The garden make use of liquid fertilizer that is mixed into the water reservoir and uses no soil to insert plants and directly and the Roots of the plant are put under in nutrient-rich water to provide th nutrients.

The parent company of Aerogarden was established in the year 2002. The company sell its products through various sources like retail outlets, nurseries, direct-to-consumer sales in many parts of the world such as Australia, Europe, the United States and Asia. The head offices of the company is located in Boulder, Colorado. The company does both manufacturing and marketing of gardening equipments, plant seeds etc. In addition to that Aerogarden runs a customer support service providing information on new farming techniques, feeding and other agriculture related knowledge. The customer care center is employed with experienced agricultural specialists.

Aerogarden Address

The address of Aerogarden is 6075 Longbow Drive, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80301, United States.

Aerogarden Email Address

The email address of Aerogarden is

Aerogarden Website

The Website of Aerogarden is

Aerogarden Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Aerogarden is +1-800-476-9669, 303-444-7755 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Aerogarden Service Center and Aerogarden customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Aerogarden customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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