Ms. Manisha On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
Hello I am Manihsa from Delhi i have purchased BB Z10 in Jan, 2015 and now I come through a problem just after two months the problem is that the device shuts down even in 70% battery. I have purchased new battery and I am facing the same problem again. So please help me as early as possible.
Mr. Chandra Shaker On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
Am not getting new OS10.3 so please get me soon.
Mr. Gunjan Singh On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
My Blackberry z ten has not support the SIM, network is not connected regularly,
Mr. Kat On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
I have z10 and both cable to TV and PC. Why i can not save pages to my PC? I also need to know why my added card will not download anything onto my card. I have a eight GB card in my z10.
Mr. Kristie On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
Why can I not transfer saved pages to my PC from my z10?
Mr. aniket patel On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
I have a blackberry Z10. I have a problem with calling feature is that. My phone is usually vibrate during call after every 45 seconds. And i want to stop it. So please guide me to do so.
Incoming calling sound of vibrate of only display light on.
Mr. Lalith Varma On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
I have a Z10, which makes me suffer me a lot. It will be off after 30% charging. My phone is to replace it. Please solve my problem.
Mr. Surya Pratap On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
My blackberry z10 is about six months old. The phone's battery gets heated to the extent that i have to take the back cover in order to cool it down. And also for a month or so the phone gets turns off no matter how much the charge is. Sometimes it gets switched off automatically on 100% battery level. Kindly help. My contact number 9958489200.
Mr. Rakesh Julka On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
Camera on my Z10 not working, had sent it to the service center, when they returned it the problem was still there. The set was sent back and it is lying with the service center now for the last 45 days
Mr. vikram On Phone To BlackBerry Mobile Service
Sir I want service centre address of Bhatinda city punjab... My contact number 09646400996