Mr. Super Dave On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I am in desperate need of tech assistance. I have been a Blogtalkradio customer for many years and am having issues connecting with Blogtalkradio on my end. I call in with Skype and all is ok, but then when I try to use my equipment on my end then it doesnt get to Blogtalkradio. It is the same system I have used for years. I even went out and bought another mixer thinking that could be the problem, but it isnt. I worked with an IT friend of mine and we have come to the conclusion that there is a problem with the connection with Blogtalkradio. No matter what, please cal me so I can get back to doing my shows. My show is Superdaveshow and my phone number is 314-329-1552. Please, I need a call to get this right. Going back and forth with email is almost as bad as snail mail since your people reply back one day later. Not real happy right now, but would like to get this straightened out.
Ms. Lisa On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I need help with my account. The studio section of my platform has been removed There is an error message that appears saying that I have used up my hours? I only used the platform for this past monday. I was trying to schedule another time the next day and I was unable to. Is it because it is a free account?
Also, I tried to sign up for the lite plan and had issues. I have sent several messages. Need a respond.
Ms. Melody Summers-diouf On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Hi there; my name is Melody Summers-diouf my phone number is (504)209-1282 my email is I am contacting you because I made a payment to you this morning that my company says is still pending. I tried to send the money two times and set up my show for tonight and it would not go through. So I would like to know what is the Problem?
Mr. Drake Bailey On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
No new posts of shows, no archives listed?
What is going on?.
Mr. Nathan On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Can't get anyone on the line at customer service none of the numbers work, either I get message no longer in service or just drops the call before it rings my 678-350-5534.
Mr. Shane Schulz On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Is there an ETA for the blogtalk server to be back online. I have a Debut show starting in almost a half hour. All the links to the show are coming up blank as well.
Ms. Tona Moore On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
call about billing Nova Academy Tona Moore 972-808-7470 Ext. 202
Ms. Linda Summers On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Just created a show and did a search and typed in the URL, but it can not find it. When i go to create it again it says it is in use. I have another show "Conscious Talk radio", but this is a completely diff show. Can someone please help me.
Ms. Nadia ( Christisms Radio Show) On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
None of the numbers work. The 646-807-0800 does not give you an option to hold. It is a wild goose chase and in the meantime I cannot log in and I am losing show times, for a service I am paying for. As far as companies go, this is literally the most unattainable customer service and in truth, there is no customer service when you need it.
Ms. Judi Giramonti On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Evan Jensen whom was banned for life off of Blogtalk is now back on doing his shows with Jan Reynolds called Paranormal Static. He was banned from there for bashing people and he has a show today with Edwin Becker and Jan Reynolds and it will be a bashing show. My Paranormal team has had to contact the Ansonia Connecticut Police Department on Evan Jensen today for Bashing. Please see to it he is taken down along with Jan Reynolds so they can not ruin anyone's reputation like they have. We also have a lawyer involved and will contact him as to wether you take him off Blogtalk. This is unreal to think that he is back on there after he went after a lot of your customers. Thank You.
Ms. Miki Rogers Brown On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I want a CLEAR understanding of the plan and revenue sharing for it BEFORE we sign up and begin playing and paying. Please provide a TELEPHONE NUMBER where I can talk to an account manager. I am Minister Miki Rogers-Brown and my partner in this venture is Pastor Kamal Karriem. Please contact HIM directly @ 662-574-0699The email info is mine.
Ms. Devyone Corley On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
The buttons on the site NEVER work, I can not create a show BC the duration tab wont allow me to input any information such as 30 min. This has been going on for some time now and I am getting really frustrated. What should I do before I cancel my account all together.
Mr. Sonia On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
How do i change my screen name, i am having trubel. Thx u.
Mr. John Reeder On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I attempted to listen and call in during The John Lennon Hour. Could not get connected at all during the show. Is this a common problem? Any suggestions on how I can correct this? Thank you in advance for any assistance. John Reeder.
Ms. T Worthy On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I would like to file a complaint against the Hagmann and Hagmann Report. Please find my complaint attached.
Mr. Peter Dayton On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
The "Hagmann and Hagmann" radio show broke the content guidelines.
Mr. Kirk Michael Mcleod On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Please take the Hagmann and Hagmann Report off of your platform immediately. They are in clear breach of your "Content Guidelines. " On their 2/10/2015 they broadcast private information about me and my families location. My wife is fighting Stage four breast cancer and now she is living in fear. Doug Hagmann and Steve Quayle made slanderous remarks about Kirk Michael Mcleod and Marinka Peschmann.
Mr. Kevin D. Andrews On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I can not sign in. I forgot my password. I can not sign even using Facebook.
Ms. Gayle Johnson On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Yesterday 12/03/2014 I discovered my account had been suspended due to funds unavailable in my checking account, an over site on my behalf. I did not receive a notice or e-mail. It just so happen I logged in on the 3rd and a banner came up saying My account was suspended because of funds unavailable. I sent an e-mail no response, tried calling and was redirected to the "voice" The money is in my account and I will make it my business to never have this happen again, I look forward to having my show reinstated. My show is www. my ID
Ms. Alicia On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
I went to listen to my show got a gray box with two arrows everyone i tried to listen to my lesson.
Ms. Veronica Whitaker On Phone To Blog Talk Radio Service
Denied access to record in the studio.
This morning, i was scheduled to go live to record a broadcast after clicking studio the following message appeared on the screen, "you do not have permission to access the studio. You signed up for the upload podcast plan only. " this is not true, i never heard of such a plan.