Cdw Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Cdw is 866.782.4239 .
CDW Corporation is an American company offering IT products and solutions for the education, private and government sectors. The product line of the company includes desktop computers, peripherals, power supplies, storage devices, software, network cable accessories, projectors and GPS devices. With the strength of over 6,800 working professionals, the company has presence in 25 locations in the United States and Canada. In 2013, CDW Corporation ranked 267 among the Fortune 500 list of Top Companies in the United States. The company has the base of over 250,000 customers from government and private sector and has been serving since 1984. It is listed on Nasdaq under the stock symbol, CDW. CDW has its headquarters located in Vernon, Illinois while its representative offices are situated in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey and Wisconsin.


CDW was known as MPK Computing in its earlier days and was the brainchild of Michael Kransy, who observed the potential in PC business after selling Ibm PC at an unexpected price. Michael Krnasy was soon forayed into the computer dealing business and ended up with the formation of MPK. Over the coming years, the company was renamed as CDW and emerged as the largest PC retailers in the country. The notable acquisition of the company includes Berbee and Madison in mid 2000s.

Products and Services

The company houses the lineup of over eighty computers and IT companies such as HP, Acer, Lenovo, Google, LG, Samsung, and Apple. Its e-commerce platform sells in the categories of computer hardware, software, and related accessories. CDW has also established itself as the source of IT solutions and services like business intelligence, cloud solutions, networking, security services, and software management to businesses and professionals.

Cdw Address

The address of Cdw is 200 North Milwaukee Avenue, Vernon Hills, Illinois, United States.

Cdw Website

The Website of Cdw is

Cdw Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Cdw is 866.782.4239 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cdw Service Center and Cdw customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Cdw customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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