Mr. Harold R Nicholson On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
Well I am writing to you in regards to a battery that I got at the beginning and was brand new and then alil over a year I had to replace it again and got another battery and I feel like I have been getting junk battwry’s And had it tested yesterday and it was only at six amp and have too jump it to get my car started and when it is running it is at 14. 9-15 Amos which it should be and thisbis getting very irritating bc of bad batteries. Hope this can be resolved in a simply fashion and either the battery is not big enough for my car and I should not have too have two battery’s within a yr and a half. I know ppl that have battery’s longer than that in there vehicles. Thanks.
Ms. Ines On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
Bought duralast gold battery and has warranty, but autozone refused to exchange battery cause i cant find my receipt and i do not remember my very old phone number i has with metro.
I have already contacted Auto Zone and now I am telling you, your Duralast Gold five year batteries only last one year I have had to replace it twice in two years and I am Not happy. As soon as I get the one in my car charged up enough to get to a store I am Replacing it with another company brand I have never been so upset to contact the manufacturer
This is unacceptable quality Before I put this Duralast Battery in my car I had used Walmart brands that lasted beyond the warranty life.
Mr. Austin Seachord On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
Tried to use my warranty on my battery it’s two years old should be a free replacement went to autozone and they would not give me my replacement they asked for a the phone number it was bought with, but I have changed my number several times sence then and do not remember the number. But I should not need the number the date it was bought is still on the battery so it shouldn’t be a problem.
Ms. Amy Boucher On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
I purchased my jet ski battery not even a year ago. I took it out for the winter, so it basically has hardly any hours on it as we have not been able to use it this summer. Not very happy I spent a lot of money on this I think I even have the receipt I think it was over $80. I have been in the automotive business my whole life. We have always stuck by Duralast. Not after this experience.
Mr. Mark Liedel On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
Need a wall charger for a bp-dlg1200ps
Mr. Daniel Fallon On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
I bought a Duralast Gold Power Station BP-DLG1200PS and the Battery Indicator Display only ever says "FL". On the first charge it only said "FL". It's hard because I have no idea how much it is charged. Thank You.
Mr. Ronald On Phone To Duralast Battery Service
I purchased a Duralast Platinum Series battery in November 13 2014, I began having problems immediately. The battery failed completely August 22 2015 and I had to be towed home only to find it was the battery. I had the battery tested 08-21-2015, Autozone did not have one in stock, they told me it would be the next day. The following day I returned only to find the replacement battery was no good either. Subsequently I had to go to the Gold Series in able to have my vehicle working. Would like to be reimbursed for tow at least.