Lady Foot Locker Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Lady Foot Locker is 1-800-991-6686, +1-715-261-9709 .
Lady Foot Locker is the division of Foot Locker Inc, a leading retail chain of sportswear and footwear based in the United States of America. Lady Foot Locker is also one of the country's leading retail companies which specializes in women's clothing, athletic footwear, and accessories. Lady Foot Locker offers a wide selection of athletic footwear and apparel products including jackets, t-shirts, running shoes, running clothing, boots, tank tops, dance shoes, hoodies, volleyball shoes, sandals, socks, casual clothing, workout pants, casual shoes, capris, shorts, walking shoes, cheer shoes, sports bras, training shoes and clothing.

In addition, it also provides a wide range of equipment for active women such as home gyms, treadmills, yoga mats, exercise bikes, kettlebells, watches, hydration, bags, monitors, ellipticals, and accessories. The company products are designed to meet all the daily activities such as walking, fitness, running and toning. It sells its products across the United States and Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands through more than 415 company's owned stores.

Social Media Web Portal Links of Lady Foot Locker

Some of the official social web pages like Facebook, Twitter of Lady Foot Locker are listed below:-
Lady Foot Locker Facebook Page Profile Link

Lady Foot Locker Twitter Account Profile Link

Lady Foot Locker Address

The address of Lady Foot Locker is Head Office: 112 West 34th Street, New York, NY-10120, United States.

Lady Foot Locker Email Address

The email address of Lady Foot Locker is

Lady Foot Locker Website

The Website of Lady Foot Locker is

Lady Foot Locker contact person

The contact person of Lady Foot Locker is na.

Lady Foot Locker Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lady Foot Locker is 1-800-991-6686, +1-715-261-9709 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lady Foot Locker Service Center and Lady Foot Locker customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Lady Foot Locker customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Lady Foot Locker. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Lady Foot Locker will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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