Revenue Canada Hamilton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Revenue Canada Hamilton is +1-800-665-0354, FAX: +1-905-546-1615 .
The Canada Revenue Agency is simply known as Revenue Canada or CRA serves as a government authority which is responsible for the collection and administration of taxes from the people of Canada. It is under the control of Government of Canada and is processed by the board of management comprises of 15 members. Earlier, it was known by the name of “Department of Inland Revenue” but in the year of 2003, it was updated with the name of “Canada Customs and Revenue Agency”. The main motto of the CRA is to collect, control and regulate tax laws in the Canadian provinces and territories for the benefit of community. It collects various kinds of taxes such as Sales Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax etc and the tax gathered by the agency is used for the public work and to develop the buildings for them. It operates its work VIA the help of its various wings located in Atlantic, Pacific, Quebec, Prairie and Ontario region. The various responsibilities of the Canada Revenue Agency is to administer the tax, Benefits and related programs and to ensure compliance across Canada, thereby Contributing to the ongoing economic and social well being of Canadians. It consists of 15 members in which 11 are chosen by the provinces and territories and employees more than 40,000 employees all over the world.

Revenue Canada Hamilton Address

The address of Revenue Canada Hamilton is 55 Bay Street North, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3E1, Canada.

Revenue Canada Hamilton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Revenue Canada Hamilton is +1-800-665-0354, FAX: +1-905-546-1615 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Revenue Canada Hamilton Service Center and Revenue Canada Hamilton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Revenue Canada Hamilton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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