Salomon Shoes Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Salomon Shoes is +33 4 50 65 41 41, Fax No: +33 4 50 65 42 56 .
Salomon Shoes is a product line of footwear products that is manufactured and distributed by a global sports product company named Salomon Group commonly known as Salomon. Salomon Group is active in the manufacturing and sales of sporting goods ranging from sportswear, sports footwear, goggles, bags and packs, poles, inline skates, sports equipment and accessories related to different sporting activities such as hiking, trail running, climbing, skiing, mountaineering, adventure racing and snowboarding games.

Salomon Business Journey

Salomon group was established in the year 1947 in the French Alps where the modern day Alpinism originated. Salomon was founded with the extreme efforts of Francois Salomon and his family in Metz Tessy, France. Salomon brand is named after the last name of its founder family, i.e. Salomon. Salomon group operate as a subsidiary of Amer Sports that is Finnish national company also active in the field of sporting goods. Amer Sports own different brands of sporting goods in addition to Salomon which are Arc’teryx, Mavic, Suunto, Wilson, Atomic, and Precor.
Salomon group is having their business operations in over 40 countries across the Globe and the products of the company are sold out through sports retailers. The customers also have the option to shop the products of the brand online through official website of Salomon and other shopping websites. Salomon Group is headquartered in Metz-Tessy, France. Salomon is regarded as the First Choice of every mountaineer.

Headquarters of Salomon Group:

Siege Social Metz-Tessy ANNECY CEDEX 9 FRANCE, 74996 France
The corporate office of Salomon company is in Cedex, France whereas its parent company, i.e. Amer Sports Corporation is headquartered in Finland.

Contact Number of Salomon Group:

+33 4 50 65 41 41
Salomon Group can be contacted through phone on the given number for queries and complaints related to its products.

Fax Number of Salomon Group:

+33 4 50 65 42 56
People can also send their queries and complaints to the above listed fax number.

Official Website of Salomon Group:
More information about Salomon brand can be obtained through its official website listed above where the necessary details like countries of operation, dealer and distributor addresses, products is given.

Facebook Page of Salomon:
Salomon brand is having a website page on the popular social networking website Facebook whose web address is given above.

Twitter Handle of Salomon:
Salomon brand is also trending on Twitter, a social networking platform.

Salomon Shoes Address

The address of Salomon Shoes is Siege Social Metz-Tessy ANNECY CEDEX 9 FRANCE, 74996 France.

Salomon Shoes Website

The Website of Salomon Shoes is

Salomon Shoes Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Salomon Shoes is +33 4 50 65 41 41, Fax No: +33 4 50 65 42 56 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Salomon Shoes Service Center and Salomon Shoes customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Salomon Shoes customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Salomon Shoes Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Clifford Ross CallsJan 31, 2018

Mr. Clifford Ross On Phone To Salomon Shoes Service
Hi folks my coplaint goes back approx 13 months ago. I bought a pair of x ultra fty145464 09/16 very nice footwear, but after a few weeks the lacers woud not stay tight would have to tie them five or six times a day i also notied after approx nine months of wear they started to let in water just after 12 they cracked open across the top. Two weeks ago i started wearing my new x ultra fty171383 09/17 back to the same problem with lacers i have tried several ways, but they keep opening. If you know of anyway around this could you please inform me. If no reply i am afraid ill not be buying any more salmon footwear. Thank you for your time on this matter. Clifford 07709875421.

Customer care male
Mr. Kenneth Drenen CallsApr 24, 2018

Good afternoon Salomon Shoes,

I have a complaint. I bought a pair of your shoes in February this year, speed cross four from runners club in Seoul. I've never bought Salomon's before, but have heard many good things. I have ran in other brands such as brooks, nike, reebok and know that a size 280 or 285 is probably ok. The runners club said they had these shoes in 290 so I went down there and took the 290s for a little extra room. They are your us 11s. I ran in them on the flat surface and though they were fine, they weren't exactly roomy. But when I took them to the trail, especially downhill, they hurt the toes. There is just no space. The shoes are too small. I have no complaint about the design and the grip etc, but I do have an issue with the size. I do not consider that they are true to size. Thank you.

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